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KamloopsNewsAndReviews Ezine, Issue #002 -- The Start of a New Year and a Brand New Ending
January 04, 2015

The Start of a New Year

“Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” Carl Bard

Kamloops News

The first week of a new year and everybody is doing it, goal setting that is.

I am one of those people for whom the beginning of the year really is the beginning of the year because my birthday happens to fall in the first week of January… the 6th to be exact.

Setting goals to begin a new year has taken on some significance for me.

I have hurt and probably destroyed a lot of brain cells conjuring up just the right goals which has mostly lead to an experience of goal setting that has been as much of a struggle as accomplishing the goal itself.

What I’ve found is a goal become real, powerful, empowering and manageable when you spend some time eliminating distractions and identifying resources.

Download a FREE copy of Achieve Your Goals fair warning it’s work and it’ll take a few days to complete.


The Painted Pony

Image Credit: CBC Kamloops

Watch for the official grand opening of the newest Kamloops restaurant coming up in January.

The family owned Painted Pony Café on the corner of 7th and Victoria has been open since the end of November serving up traditional Aboriginal food.

Indian Tacos, Elk Stew, Deer Steak, Turtle Burgers and Bannock are on the menu.

The recipes and the artwork on the walls have been passed down from the Elders.

The restaurant is open every day from 9:00am-9:00pm

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