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KamloopsNewsAndReviews Ezine, Issue #001 -- Shop Local for the Holidays
December 04, 2014
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Shop Local for the Holidays

Whenever out-of-town company comes to visit sooner or later they are treated to at least an hour strolling downtown Kamloops and wandering in and out of the shops.

Each time I am reminded of what a delightful mix of shops and businesses there are here in the downtown city center of Kamloops.

December 1-7 being BUY LOCAL week what a great time to experience or re-experience shopping downtown Kamloops for yourself and also to support local retailers and service providers by doing your holiday shopping with them.

Four Ways to go Local in Kamloops for the Holidays

Shop Local In a recent study, LOCO BC (an alliance of local BC companies) says for every $1 spent at a local business $0.46 stays in the community compared to $0.19 from a chain store. Money, that goes into paying taxes and creating jobs in the local economy.

If you’re already a strong supporter of shopping locally you can always pick up a downtown certificate in a $10, $20 or $50 dollar denomination as a gift to encourage or influence someone else to make the switch.

Here’s where to get them:
• Genesis Fashion & Beauty Complex – 319 Victoria Street
• Golden Buddha – 247 Victoria Street
• Healthy Life Nutrition – 440 Victoria Street
• Kamloops Florist Ltd – 249 Seymour Street
• Spitfire Computers – #209-450 Lansdowne Street (Lansdowne Village)
• KCBIA – #4-231 Victoria Street

Eat Local Food There are a lot of fresh local goods available for the holidays and you find them at the Visions Farmers’ Market twice a month at Sahali Mall.

The Visions Farmers’ Market starts in October and runs thru until April 18, 2015 from 10am-2pm on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month.

Some of the goods include free range organic beef, pork, chicken, winter vegetables, home baking, free range eggs, home-made sausages, honey, herbal products, preserves and home based crafts.

Give and Volunteer One of the greatest gifts you can give over the holidays is the donation of your time so why not consider a volunteer opportunity. Volunteer Kamloops is a great resource for connecting people with opportunities to serve.

If you have some spare warm clothing, you could also donate them to St. Paul’s Cathedral on 4th and Nicola and help the less fortunate in this cold winter season. The program is operating this year even though they didn’t get any government funding.

Your contribution (especially in this season of giving) will be greatly appreciated and you’ll feel great for helping out.

Relax and Have Fun! After all, that’s what this season is about. Take the time to enjoy holiday activities in Kamloops along with your family and friends.

Happy Holidays from Kamloops News And Reviews!

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